Monday, February 2, 2009

They are porking up!

I took Brandon and Katelyn to the pediatrician for thier Synagist today. Before they can recieve the shot they have to be weighed and measured and thouroughly examined. If they had anything that could be RSV they can't have the shot and they have to calculate exactly how much to give them. So through the winter they are weighed and measured every 28 days. Kind of discouraging usually. Last month Katelyn had lost 2 1/2 oz and so we got the referral to see a pedicatric endocrynologist. But today we went in and they had both gained a pound and grown almost an inch too! And I have been weighing them myself so I really trust the weight. The pediatrician was so excited! From there the appointment kind of went south, the nurse that administers the synagis came in and said it had only been 21 days since their last shot and so we would have to come back in 7 days. Kind of a bummer for us all. The boys are out of school today and so I am sure they would have rather done something more fun than that this morning but they were really good sports!

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