I'm a soccer mom, but don't get me wrong, I'm not to the point of representing my family in soccer balls on my minivan, but I am indeed a soccer mom in so many ways.
soc·cer momnoun
soccer moms, plural - A middle-class suburban mother who spends a great deal of time taking her children to play soccer or engage in other activities
Blake and Derek are playing competition soccer this year. After a very peculiar series of events they ended up on a U10 soccer team (so they are playing up a year) with a fantastic and very enthusiastic coach. They have some kind of soccer activity 3-4 times a week and it is truly a new level of intensity that is perfectly suited for Derek and Blake. They love it! They've had three games now and are 2-1.

So while I am defintely the proverbial soccer mom, I am turning into a different kind of soccer mom as well. I take the games way too serious, I can't seem to quit looking at the stats and standings on the league website and I'm sure if I actually knew anything about how to play the sport I'd be drilling my kids every extra minute. So while my lack of knowledge deters me in some areas, it does not slow my mouth down at the games. I just can't help myself. I guess my boys don't just get their extremely competitive nature from their dad.
So I was in charge of soccer treats today and they boys really wanted to do something fun and soccer-ish. The first treats were soccer sugar cookies. I was hoping to find some soccer candy or fruit snacks or hostess cupckaes or something that I could just grab and go but when I couldn't find anything in the store I got sucked in to my usual over-the-top thinking and ended up spending 2 hours making 14 of these rice krispie treats with 100 calorie Oreos and chocolate frosting. It took 2 double batches of rice krispies and all I can say is the more interesting picture would have been my kitchen after I was done.
But I was happy with them and my boys were excited and I loved the reaction of their team. In the end it was totally worth the time it took to make them. But really, is there a name for a mom who always overdoes it? Because soccer mom doesn't even cover it.
Here are some pictures of their soccer games:
Here's their team the Yellow Jackets being "inspected" by the refs.
Blake's debut as a keeper. Boy I hope that doesn't happen again soon. Sooo stressful for me!
The post-game talk after their loss.
Brandon and Katelyn playing at a park in Salem, Ut during a game.