In March we were able to get Brandon in for another session of intensive therapy at Now I Can. Brandon's tone had been increasing with his growth since December. We noticed it especially after his constraint casting in December. He gained function but actually lost some flexibility and range of motion which isn't what you'd expect with more use of his left hand. We applied for a grant through the United Health Care Children's Fund and were so grateful to get what we needed to fund his therapy. It helped him so much and in so many ways! Here are some pictures of his hard work there.

Here he is working wearing the Neuro suit which helps him
with body awareness and proper use of his body
Here he is goofing off in the Spider Cage. He would always say "watch this" and then do
a bunch of crazy balancing moves he could only pull off with 8 bungees attached! It was so funny.

Brandon and Nacole

Brandon and Sergio
He went for 4 hours a day for 3 weeks and it was during the afternoon when he'd normally be taking a nap. He fell asleep during therapy more than once! Here he is sleeping on Nacole while he's standing up.
It was truly intense not just for Brandon, but for the whole family. We were there a lot. Although Brandon frequently cried through his stretching, he begged to go back each day. I love this kid and his huge spirit.
We are so fond of Now I Can and all the people who work there. They are like family and they truly change lives there! We have been to a few events that have been held to help raise funds for them. Last November we went to a girls basketball game at UVU. He got to go out on the floor and welcome the team. He loved it! Unfortunately you can't really see him in any of the pictures :( But all the kids had a blast!

Just last weekend there was a Battle of the Bands type of event put on by some BYU students and Jarrett Burns and his new band were participating and raising funds for Now I Can. We've fallen in love with his music since he did the benefit concert last summer for Now I Can. He and his drummer Brandon wrote a song about Now I Can and when it was announed that they'd be playing it somehow my Brandon thought it would be him and he demanded to go up on stage. Thanks to Tracey for taking him up for a few minutes. He got to play Brandon's drums and meet a fellow glasses-wearing Brandon and that calmed him right down.
Here he is entertaining some of the Now I Can peeps.
After the band played he went up on stage for a brief "interview" with a few Now I Can friends. It was absolutely adorable and he just loves being in the spotlight!
Here's some video of his hard work. I hope it works. He
has been jumping off of everything since then!
Now I Can is doing their annual "Run to Walk" fundraiser May 14. They do a 5k and a 1 mile, so if you or anyone you know wants to participate you can sign up If you sign up by Friday it is cheaper and if you sign up please let us know because everyone who runs for Brandon will basically be giving him a $5 therapy credit and Nationwide Insurance has donated $250 that will go to one child's therapy at Now I Can! Each participant will receive an entry form that they can write in Brandon's name and enter it in the drawing at the Nationwide table.