We feel very lucky and very grateful to have been selected to be a part of a Heart 2 Home make-over project. They did a major overhaul to the home of the Gleason family. They are a well deserving family and it was a big event. Fox news, Cosmo, Shawn Bradly, a couple of BYU football players and a huge crowd all showed up for the unveiling of their home. In addition they were able to remodel a room for 5 other families in the area that are associated with Now I Can. We were one of those families. I always feel a little uncomfortable accepting stuff like this but we really appreciate all of the hard work and effort that went into our room make-overs. You can read more about it here:
We had to keep out of the rooms for a couple of days while they worked on them. It was really hard for keep the kids out. They were very excited. They even counted down the days to thier new rooms for a week before. The day of the reveal the kids kept saying things like "this is the best day ever".
Here is a shot of Katelyn's room before. This used to be both Brandon and Katelyn's room.

Here it is after.

This is the boys room before the make-over. The clouds were in the room when we bought the house.

Here it is after.

One of the most exciting things was that BYU's mascot, Cosmo, came to our house. The kids saw Cosmo's van coming down the street and they went crazy. They were all sooo excited. Katelyn kept giving him hugs and saying "That's Cosmo.... I yove him".

This is our family with Cosmo and the team that worked on our house.

This is a photo they took of our family at the kick off party on Monday night.
Since the makeover, Derek wants to just go lay down in his bed a lot. Katelyn has really enjoyed the dress up shoes that were in her new room. I even took her to Costco yesterday in a tiara and princess shoes. They are all so excited!