8 years ago
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I'm a technical Genius!
Okay, not really. But I did figure out how to post Jarrett Burns' music on the blog!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Brandon's Therapy at Now I Can
Brandon just finished up a 2 week session of intensive therapy at Now I Can. Since he is no longer in early intervention through Kids on the Move, so it is up to us to get him the physical therapy he will need. He qualified for many services through the school district, but because he is able to walk he will not receive physical therapy services.
In order for Brandon to continue to do well using the left side of his boy he will need ongoing therapy especially through his growing years. As he continues to grow, his muscles will be become tighter so we will all have to work hard to maintain his progress and yet progress when they are young is the key to success for children with his type of brain injury.
Initially, we weren't sure about moving forward with therapy at Now I Can not only because of the costs, but also because we weren't sure about the concept of intensive physical therapy. We initially understood that what makes it "intensive" is that the therapy sessions are typically 4 hours (Brandon's were only 2) every weekday for 3 weeks (we only did 2). But there is more than the intense time frame to the concept, they work with the children non-stop during their session and they work hard. They use many traditional techniques and they have some really unique ones as well. They have a "spider cage" and a "monkey cage" that they use. As hard as it was Brandon always wanted to go back and seemed genuinely proud of being able to do hard things.
The difference that this therapy made for Brandon was so significant! I can't believe how much it improved his gait as well as the use of his left hand. He has been having a lot of sensory issues lately and those have decreased dramatically. I won't bore you with the rest of the list, but it has been very exciting to watch him be able to do new things there each day and for things that were very difficult at the beginning of the first week become much easier as the days passed.
It has truly been an amazing experience for our whole family. Blake and Derek successfully raised our share of the cost for the therapy (after we used our entire insurance benefit and some financial assistance) and they were excited to watch him the days that they had to tag along to therapy.
We quickly realized that Brandon, like most kids, did not enjoy the stretching and other therapy exercises so they asked me to not be in the room while they were doing that part as it was just making it harder for Brandon and for me. They have observation rooms equipped with entertainment for siblings as well. So the first day that Derek and Blake came with me after this change we sneaked into the observation room where we could see Brandon crying as he was stretching. Derek immediately turned to me, very concerned and said "mom, you need to go help him!" When I explained that I couldn't and why he turned back to watching him, looking very sad he then said "as contagious as his laugh is, his cry is that sad." Such a sweet boy and such an astute observation!
We could go watch him in the spider cage and in the monkey cage. This was almost like his reward for the hard stuff. He was able to jump in the spider cage and fly in the monkey cage. He loved it!

Brandon stretching

More stretching in the spider cage.

Flying in the monkey cage - he'd pull on this bungee cord to go back and forth.

Whenever anyone would ask him if he was flying like Superman,
he'd say "no uperman, I Batman."
So now that we are done with our session, we art trying to figure out how to be able to afford more therapy there!! Not that there is a big hurry but it was just such an amazing and truly life-changing experience. So I have become a concert ticket vendor. Now I Can has 2 annual fundraisers and one is a benefit concert that happens to be September 11 at the Scera Shell with Jarrett Burns. We can earn therapy for Brandon by selling tickets to the event and it is going to be a great event! So if you are reading this and I haven't hit you up to buy tickets for this (which I highly doubt!) you can leave a comment and I will get you more information. You can go to : http://www.reverbnation.com/jarrettburns to listen to this amazing music!!! I wish I could figure out putting some of it on a playlist on our blog but I can't :(
Thursday, August 26, 2010
2nd Grade

Derek and Blake started 2nd grade on Wednesday. I love the first day of school excitement! It is so joyful and youthful and I know it will not always be this way. We had such a fun summer and I was sad to see it end which in its own way made me happy. The beginning of summer was hard for me. The adjustment of having everyone home all day was big this year. I've decided I was first-grade spoiled. But once we found our groove we just had so much fun and the boys have gotten to be so helpful!
Lately I have been keenly aware that I need to soak up every moment, cherish every memory and enjoy every opportunity to be together. As I've cleaned countless little footprints off our hardwood floors this summer I am always mindful that the day will come when there are no little footprints on my floor and that I will miss them.
Blake and Derek had to fill out these "Getting to Know Me" forms the morning school started to give to their teacher. I was so charmed and amused with some of their answers I thought I'd share them. When Derek says that he can "wild people up" he means "wind them up" and to him I think that its about being able to get people excited. As for Blake's - I don't think any of them need an explanation but they made me laugh pretty hard. I actually had to ask who "my little devel" was and he told me Katelyn. Will they always be this funny??
Its a big adjustment for Brandon and Katelyn to have them back in school too. The first day Brandon had therapy early in the morning. Brent took him and I picked Katelyn and him up an then we went backpack shopping for their school which starts next week. When we pulled up in the driveway Brandon started to cry and get really angry when I tried to take him out of his seat. I finally got him calmed down enough for him to say "go get Buba Dodo" (translation: go get Blake and Derek). When I explained that they were at school and we couldn't get them yet, he seemed to understand but he was very sad.

Saturday, August 21, 2010
A Lot of Events
We've attended a lot of events recently. Here are some photos we took when we had a camera handy. Our company summer party was held at the local nickel arcade. Amy and I carried Brandon and Katelyn while playing laser tag. They got to pull the triggers and they loved it.
Katelyn didn't want to be a kitty so she claimed that this was the face of a dragon.
We went to a summer party thrown by another group of therapists that work with Brandon.
Our neighborhood holds an annual block party.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Model Brandon & SLC Trip
Brandon and a handful of other kids where asked to come in for a photo shoot for Kids on the Move. They needed photos to use for promotional materials. They gave us copies of the photos. These are a couple of the best shots.

Recently we took a Saturday afternoon and rode the Trax train into Salt Lake. We walked around temple square and went out to eat. These are some photos from our trip.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Candy Stand

Those of you who know us well are aware that several times a year we let the kids put together a candy stand to earn a little money (thanks to the fun idea from our good friends the Sinemas). They are usually a big hit and a lot of fun for everyone. The purpose of the upcoming candy stand is going to be a little different this time. While talking with us Derek and Blake decided they want to help out Brandon. He is scheduled for a couple of weeks of intensive therapy.
They are great big brothers.

For anyone interested in learning more about the therapy, here are a couple of links to some videos:
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Weird Weather, Pretty Sunset
The weather turned rainy this evening. It stopped raining but the sky was still filled with clouds. Amy looked out the window and noticed the very strange-looking lighting. She went out and told us all to come see the rainbow. By the time we all got outside the rainbow was gone but the sunset was amazing. It seemed like the whole neighborhood noticed too and everyone came out to watch. I got a bunch of great shots. These are my favorites.

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