Monday, September 28, 2009

Bridal Veil Falls

We did family night at Bridal Veil Falls on Monday. We got some great pictures. The kids where so excited and it’s so close. I don’t know why we don’t go more often.

Derek was smiling funny so I told him to picture me in my underwear.
Amy told him to put his hand on his hip and pose like a model.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hats and More Soccer

Watching TV
Katelyn wanted to try on the boy’s football helmet.

Brandon wanted to try too.

Derek made a hat out of the left-over pieces of a piñata from a recent birthday party.
Derek and Blake are the youngest players on their soccer team. They play in a division with 6 & 7 year olds and they just barely make the age cut off. Blake is average sized but Derek is often the smallest kid on the field. However, they both play really well and love to play soccer. They both got their hair colored at a school carnival before the game and they choose their team colors.
Derek got stripes

Blake's hair was orange

Blake has always been aggressive, competitive and strong so it’s not surprising he does well at soccer. Last year Derek would play well but would often get kicked or hurt. He didn’t handle it well and would often hobble to the sidelines. He still gets hurt but he is really good at jumping up and he keeps going. Now he is usually one of the first to jump in and fight for the ball even if the other kid is twice his size.


Derek & Blake out in front
Derek about to score
The boys react quite differently when they score a goal. Here Derek scored and he acts a little sheepish about it while Blake goes crazy. We also have to keep Blake’s attention in the game sometimes. He is often giving high-fives to the 12 year old girls watching the game.

This is what it often looks like from the sidelines of a soccer game.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Walking Man

Today Brandon learned how to stand up in the middle of the room. He has been trying to do this for a while and I really didn't think he was very close to getting it, but today he just did it and then took several steps (which he was already doing). But he just does it again and again and always with his huge grin. He is so proud of himself and it honesly brings me to tears to see him doing it. It's been a long road for him but he just keeps at it. He is such an amazing boy and I am so lucky to be his mom! I'll try to get video and put it up! Blake and Derek love to help and encourage him and Katelyn will copy what he's doing. There is no joy comparable to a family!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blogging Slackers

I don't know what we've been so busy with, but somehow blogging just hasn't been happening in the last few weeks. I think its probably a result of all the projects I'm creating to fill my free time in the afternoons! We are rearranging things in the house and doing a makeover of our bedroom. This is long overdue and on an extremely tight budget because in the process of moving a few other things around, we bought a piano. This is soooo exciting for everyone. I found a frankly, not-very-smart family selling a baby grand for what would be a good price on an upright and so we are now the proud owners! I'll get pics when its settled in the room. Rght now we still have some furniture to get rid of!

Brandon, Katelyn and their friend Brinley.

Another thing that has been crowding my time is doctors appointments. I think we follow up with basically all of our specialist in August and September. Here is what it includes:
for Katelyn: dermatology, plastic surgery, endocrynology
for Brandon: endocrynology, nueorology, physiatry, cardiology and ENT
So here is what we have found out at all of our appointments (a few are still upcoming!)
Katelyn's lip is likely to continue to improve as she grows and the doctor who we got a second opinion from and the dermatolgist who has followed her since the NICU both say that the longer we wait the better up to the point that it begins to have social implications for her. So probably just before kindergarten. Since the growth hormones are going really well we hope to see her continue to grow and grow! They both grew about 2 inches in 4 months! So good. They are lean, but that is part of what hgh does. So we are happy and the shots are almost second nature now. Not too stressful.
Brandon is making excellent progress in every way. He is talking more (although in a much more quiet and mild mannered way than his baby diva sister!) He started a month ago taking steps on his own and he is continuing to get more brave with them. He doesn't approach walking with the same caution as most new walkers though. He doesn't wait to acheive standing balance and carefully start taking steps, he'll just randomly let go and go for it! Soooo cute! I'll have to try to get some video of it! He is using his walker when we're out and about, but seems to prefer to crawl the short distances at home. Both the nuerologist and the physicatrist were really pleased with how he's doing. We are not going to be scheduling any more botox for now. The plan is just to see what he needs as he needs it. This is a big relief to me! So we'll continue to stretch his muscles daily and encourage use and see how it goes.

So sweet - I hold Brandon's left hand a lot so he doesn't let go and fall on his face, but he's been so much better lately that I don't do it as much - I guess Katelyn noticed and decided to pick on the slack!

Bradon recently got off the waiting list at Courage Reins, a local place for horse therapy. He has been twice now and he loves it! It is really good for his torso strength and his left hand use as well as communication skills. He is so cute telling the horse to go (but doesn't like to tell him to stop)! He of course won't smile for the camera, but I'll keep working on it. Katelyn doesn't get to ride because she doestn' qualify but she takes it pretty well as long as she gets to wear the purple helmet (accessories almost always calm her down!)

Waiting for Brandon's turn. He was saying go the whole time!

Blake has lost his two front teeth and the permanent teeth are growing right in on top of them. Meanwhile Derek still hasn't lost a single tooth. He's only sad becuase he wants the money though. They are both a little money obsessed lately. We've started a coin collection and we've found out that they get credits towards kid rewards at our bank for each deposit they make so they want to save, save, save.

Blake and Derek started soccer this week and they love it! They had their second game today. I'm sure those who know my boys will be shocked to hear that they are pretty agressive little players! They are also playing violin in the school orchestra and they love their art class at school and will spend hours creating things at home - I guess its in the genes.

Derek showing off some artwork.


A new thing at our house- all the kids watching tv together (Blake's on the couch)